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Website Management for Beginners – we teach the most basic principles of website management, such as creating pages, uploading files, creating a menu tree, and more.

Advanced Website Management – adding content to the site, making information searchable, adding images to content pages. Managing banners and header images.

Multimedia – a compact guide to everything that fills the web: texts, photos, banners.  How to create content?

Creating Web Clips – planning, filming, editing, publishing, and distributing.

80% More Effective Image Editing without PhotoShop – You need to prepare images quickly and easily, how to do it, you will find the answer in the image editing course that redefines the essence of image editing.

Creating Web Clips in PowerPoint – Want to create animated web clips for your store, café, or e-learning courses yourself? After this course, you will be able to do all this on your own.

Photography for beginners and advanced – composition, camera settings, shooting techniques, lighting.

Creating E-Learning Materials for both regular computers and tablets – learning materials in the form of fillable PDF files, Google Docs features, Moodle, and other e-learning systems.

We can also offer training courses tailored to your needs! Contact us, and we will surely find a suitable course.

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    MultimediaCompact overview of everything to fill the web: text, images, animations, and videos.4 hours
    Photo Editing and Web Banner CreationPreparing photos for web use - resizing, cropping, and optimizing images.2 hours
    Web ManagementAdding content to a website, search engine optimization, and user experience.2 hours
    PhotographyComposition, camera settings, and photo shooting techniques.2 hours
    Creating E-learning MaterialsHow to create interactive worksheets for tablets and computers.4 hours
    Design for WebWeb design principles, layout techniques, and user interface elements.3 hours
    Video EditingBasic video editing techniques: cutting, transitions, and audio syncing.5 hours
    Digital Marketing BasicsIntroduction to digital marketing strategies and tools.3 hours